Living a zero waste lifestyle can seem overwhelming in the beginning, but taking the time to do some research is a great place to start!
Let's start at the beginning! What is zero waste? First of all zero waste is not zero at all, but moving from our current linear economy where everything that is marketed to us is destined for the landfill and changing that to create a circular economy.
A product or material in a circular economy has a different destiny than to head to the landfill. Circular economy products are composed of materials that are either compostable (it breaks down back into the earth), or is easily recycled like metal or glass which can be recycled indefinitely without downgrading.
This would eliminate waste all together, and is the goal of zero waste and a circular economy.
Unfortunately for those seeking to live a zero waste lifestyle in a circular economy, our society isn't there yet. Although not being able to escape the linear economy is not your fault, as we are set up to fail.
Our Top 6 Tips For A Zero Waste Home:
Create your own natural cleaning supplies using vinegar, essential oils, diluted hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and more!
Skip plastic wrap and opt for beeswax wraps or silicone bowl covers.
Lose the plastic in your bathroom. Swap your toothbrush for Bamboo, toothpaste in glass jars, compostable floss, bar soap, bar shampoo or refillable shampoo.
Shop for food at your local Bulk Food Store, and bring your own containers. Even if those containers are your Tupperware, as they are still better than single use plastic bags.
Don't throw out your food scraps. Compost them, or even use them to make a vegetable scrap broth.
Don't throw out the plastic you have. Reuse your Tupperware, wash and reuse plastic bags, and any other plastic you have until it can't be used anymore.
Bonus ideas: swap out paper towels and paper napkins with reusable cloths, learn to repair the items you have or take them to an expert so they will last longer, and shop at your local farmers market for locally grown, plastic free produce.
When looking to start on your own zero waste journey remember to start small, it can be very overwhelming. It's best to use what you have, instead of running out to buy all the best zero waste products and gear that you think you might need. Use the items you have (yes even the plastic), until they can no longer be used. You don't need to toss them all when they are still functioning. Shifting your mindset with how you live and how you use the products that you already have is really important. Cherish the items you have, take care of them, repair them, donate them when necessary, and reduce the amount of things you think you need to be buying.
You've got this!